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 Any theatre festivals for High School production

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ManBehindtheCurtain33 Posted - 12 Oct 2004 : 3:51:20 PM
Is there any festivals for a high school productions out there. I mean were high school students in there school shows go to festivals and perform. There used to be Rider University but it ended this year. If so please respond. Thanks
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gypsymom3 Posted - 16 Aug 2005 : 10:12:00 AM
I realize this is a very old post but I will take a shot.

STANJ (Speech and Theatre Association of New Jersey) runs two theatre festivals. The High School Theatre Festival is held at Mason Gross, Rutgers U. at the end of January. First place in each category receives the Governor's Award in Arts Education in May. Categories include dramatic monologue, comedic monologue, dramatic pairs, comedic pairs, improv pairs, and scenes (which can include excerpts from a high school play - sorry no musicals). All material must be from a published play.

In March STANJ sponsors a middle school theatre competition held at Chatham Middle School, Chatham, NJ. Categories include dramatic monologue, dramatic pairs, comedic monologue, and comedic pairs. Judges for this event are all certified speech and drama teachers and/or professionals in the field. Papermill Playhouse, NJ Shakespeare, and Playwrights Theatre have all sent judges in the past.

STANJ has a website. www.stanj.org. STANJ also sponsors two workshops during the year as well as excellent presentations at the New Jersey Teachers Convention in November.

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