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 4th Wall - HEAVEN KNOWS - Fri & Sat only! 7:30pm
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Posted - 18 Jan 2008 :  8:23:35 PM  Show Profile  Visit 4thWall's Homepage  Reply with Quote
4th Wall Musical Theatre

HEAVEN KNOWS - an original musical comedy

Book, Music & Lyrics by Charles Bloom

"His cleverness never fails to amaze me"
-Stephen Sondheim

"Some of the finest songs I've ever heard. Charles Bloom is one of the most gifted composer/lyricists in our industry. His work is a constant reminder of what great songwriting used to be".
-Peter Filichia
TheatreMania/Newark Star-Ledger

Charles Bloom website: http://www.charlesbloomusic.com/


Directed by Gwen Ricks-Spencer
Musical Direction by Rich Lovallo
choreography by Philippe L. Levesque

Thursday, Friday, Saturday - Jan. 31, Feb. 1 & 2
Curtain - 7:30 PM Tickets: $10
Reservations: 973-748-9008 ext 279
Westminster Arts Center
Franklin & Fremont Sts. Bloomfield, NJ

Rehearsal photos: http://www.4thwalltheatre.com/heavenknows.htm

Audience talk-back session with the author, cast and creative team after each performance.

Meet Kate...God is going to.
A neurotic NY actress, who thinks she knows it all, gets to spend 24 hours with Someone who really does: “all” as in the “Almighty,” that is. In an assortment of hilarious incarnations, God takes Kate on a “Holy Roller”-coaster ride through her life, loves & lunacies & helps her to learn, through tears & laughter that, about some things, "Father" really does know best. If there ever was a show with "mass" appeal, this is it!

Mandy Feiler
Jamal Sawab
Matt Burns
Christine Orzepowski
Philippe L. Levesque
Jodi Freeman Maloy
David Simon
Rickie Beth Friedberg
Ted Wrigley
Lenny Gallo
Lauren Joyce
Jennifer Kalajian
Tom Waltz

4th Wall continues our M.I.D. Stage Series, a program designed to present new musical theatre works to our audience. The staff and the cast will work with the writers throughout the production process. The show will then be mounted and talk back sessions with the audience will conclude each evening's performance. We believe this will allow for vital and useful feedback to the writers, staff and performers. Most importantly, the program will provide a venue for new and emerging writers to see their creations in a workshop setting. Our hope is that one day these works will become the main stage productions for other theatres.

Edited by - 4thWall on 31 Jan 2008 11:27:54 PM
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