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 Spam on Boards

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BohemianSoul Posted - 25 Apr 2007 : 11:16:51 AM
Is there any way to report people who are spamming the boards or mark messages as spam? The recent influx of junk messages is making it really hard to go through the forums.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
James Posted - 25 Aug 2007 : 2:26:21 PM
OK, well, I added an anti-Spam code (for geeks, it's really called a "CAPTCHA").

Shhh... Don't tell anyone (I doubt the spammers actually read this forum), but it's only actually checked for new topics.

Zigeunerbaron Posted - 17 Aug 2007 : 08:27:08 AM
Hi James.
I'm sure the spamming annoys you more than anyone. What about one of those pages where you have to enter a visually disguised number or word before each post? At least it would eliminate the autospam.

As for the ones doing it manually, I wouldn't hesitate to blast the postings right off the forum. You have both the power and the right. Or do you think that would be paying them undue attention?

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