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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Miss Brodie Posted - 14 Mar 2005 : 11:37:23 AM
Since this section has been dormant, I'll bring up my question here.

I saw the production of this play - LIFE X THREE - by Yasmina Reza at Ocean County College. The production is lovely, but I'm wondering what is the point of the script.

Yasmina Reza also wrote ART, which seems to make some profound points about friendship and the nature of art, points which are accessible to most audience members. However, I could see no points, profound or otherwise, in LIFE X THREE. I don't think I'm an intellectual cretin, but maybe I missed something. Anybody else know this play? Can you explain it?

"Better a short role than a long loaf." - Anonymous
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Miss Brodie Posted - 02 Feb 2006 : 2:20:43 PM
So, rentaholic, what play would you like to read and discuss next?

"Acting is the oldest profession, no matter what claims are made by the other trade." - Charlton Heston
rentaholic Posted - 21 Jan 2006 : 7:48:10 PM
I've noticed that no one has touched upon this subject as of March of last year. When reading the initial blurb, I really liked the idea of this play reading club. As unfortunate as it is that technology is "sucking the marrow out of life" so to speak, I'm glad that someone found a way to intelligently marry the classic hobby of reading with the technological aspects of meeting new people and sharing information. So, if I may, I would like to request that whomever's brilliant idea this was, please breathe new life into it.
Prosper Block Posted - 22 Mar 2005 : 3:06:39 PM
"If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all."
Miss Brodie Posted - 22 Mar 2005 : 2:42:43 PM

"Better a short role than a long loaf." - Anonymous
Prosper Block Posted - 22 Mar 2005 : 2:08:48 PM
When it comes to horror films, the title of mine is "The Curse of the Ex"
Miss Brodie Posted - 21 Mar 2005 : 4:32:05 PM
Originally posted by Prosper Block

If I may add, plays using "X" for the word "by" haven't faired well.

The curse of the "X", eh? Sounds like a title for a horror film.

Thanks for the input.

"Better a short role than a long loaf." - Anonymous
Prosper Block Posted - 14 Mar 2005 : 1:09:48 PM
Wish I could be more help. The only thing I remember from reading the reviews, is that Helen Hunt and John Turturro starred in the production and that some guests came early for dinner. The show was not very well received.

If I may add, plays using "X" for the word "by" haven't faired well.

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