In this superlative mystery comedy by Agatha Christie, based upon her classic novel, statuettes of little soldier boys on the mantel of a house on an island off the coast of Devon fall to the floor and break one by one as those in the house succumb to a diabolical avenger. A nursery rhyme tells how each one of the ten "soldiers" met his death until there were none. Eight guests who have never met each other or their apparently absent host and hostess are lured to the island and, along with the two house servants, marooned. A mysterious voice accuses each of having gotten away with murder and then one drops dead - poisoned. One down and nine to go! The excitement never lets up...
Anthony James Marston.... | Rudy Palma |
Dr. Edward Armstrong.... | Mark Schumacher |
Emily Caroline Brent.... | Dee Ganz |
Ethel Rogers.... | Stephanie Long |
Fred Narracott.... | Paul Erdelyi |
General John Gordon Mackenzie.... | Frank Takacs |
Phillip Lombard.... | Brian Remo |
Sir Lawrence Wargrave.... | Steve Lemenille |
Thomas Rogers.... | Russ Ortiz |
Vera Elizabeth Claythorne.... | Laura Casey |
William Henry Blore.... | Vince Tinebra |
Directed by | Vic Morosco |
Assistant Directed by | Tony Adase |
Produced by | Lois Bobchin |
Scenic Design by | Vince Tinebra |
Costume Design by | Susan Takacs |
Lighting Design by | Kevin Gunther |
Sound Design by | Tony Adase |
Stage Managed by | Jessica Mennella |
Assistant Stage Managed by | Rosellen Schussler |
Technical Direction by | Kevin Gunther |
Set Designed by | Greg Hoff |
Set Designed by | Jessica Mennella |
Set Designed by | Vic Morosco |
Set Designed by | Howie Myers |
Set Designed by | Rudy Palma |
Set Designed by | Pat Schladebeck |
Set Designed by | Vince Tinebra |
Scenic Art by | Jessica Mennella |
Light Operation by | Carolyn Gunther |
Properties by | Kathy Bobchin |
Properties by | Jill Marshall Work |
Production Assistance by | Rosellen Schussler |
Publicity by | Tony Adase |
Publicity (Asst) by | Lois Bobchin |
Publicity (Asst) by | Russ Ortiz |
Publicity (Asst) by | Rudy Palma |
The final project from actor/director/producer Vic Morosco.