A brilliant and hilarious comedy with an all-female cast. The show has achieved the status of a modern classic and is a current underground favorite with New York actresses. This is a "one-of-a kind" all female romp through high society of the 1930's. You'll have a ball!
Countess De Lage.... | Judy Bornstein |
Crystal Allen.... | Tammy Tunyavongs |
Edith Potter.... | Elizabeth A. Durkin |
Jane.... | Jessica Gill |
Little Mary.... | Carly Seyler |
Mary Haines.... | Lauren Delaney |
Miriam Aarons.... | Nedda Alammar |
Mrs. Morehead.... | Barbara Weinerman |
Nancy Blake.... | Nancy Doherty |
Peggy Day.... | Lauren Stutz |
Sylvia Fowler.... | Michele Sciarra |
Ensemble.... | Lisa Annitti-Holgerson |
Ensemble.... | Magda Budds |
Ensemble.... | Teresa Hammes |
Ensemble.... | Nina Johnston |
Ensemble.... | Kaitlin Elizabeth Manca |
Ensemble.... | Nancy Jean McBride |
Ensemble.... | Karen McCormack |
Ensemble.... | Nola Young |
Directed by | Rich Norman |
Costume Design by | Kym Frank |
Lighting Design by | Steve Miller |
Stage Managed by | Michael Hand |
Stage Managed by | Patrick Magill |
Set Designed by | Mike Rapelye |
Properties by | Madeline McCrae |
• Discount night on Thursday, May 8 at 8:00 p.m. Buy one ticket get one ticket free.
Special rate of $5.00 on Sunday, May 4 at 2:00 pm.
Ticket prices are $15 for adults, $12 for senior citizens and children. Group prices are available