Ezra Lowrey Biography

Ezra Lowrey
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Recent Performances
Production/Role WhereOpening Night
Jesus Christ Superstar ......The People Brundage Park Playhouse 7/18/2008
Romeo and Juliet ......Mercutio The Shakespeare Initiative 6/6/2008
Into The Woods ......Rapunzel's Prince Brundage Park Playhouse 7/13/2007
Titus Andronicus ......Chiron Brundage Park Playhouse 6/14/2007
Brighton Beach Memoirs ......Eugene Brundage Park Playhouse 4/27/2007
Narnia ......Peter Brundage Park Playhouse 2/9/2007
Dracula ......Asylum Attendant / Gypsy Brundage Park Playhouse 10/13/2006
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory ......Narrator Brundage Park Playhouse 2/10/2006
Charlotte's Web ......Narrator Brundage Park Playhouse 2/11/2005
Macbeth ......Fleance / Young Soldier Brundage Park Playhouse 10/8/2004
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